
L2 learning and Teaching reference Digital Native.

  L2 learning and Teaching reference Digital Native The rapid development of communication and information technologies in the globalizing world makes it easier to access information, share, and interact with one another. The digital world makes learning a second language more convenient and easier. Many different terms are used to call the generation who was born into the digitalized world as the millennium generation, internet generation, digital generation, net generation, and media generation, although the term “digital natives” indicates that this generation is an excessively user of technologies, it certainly implies far more than that. Due to the technology’s rich environment, the digital natives are exposed to. They are said to develop their unique characteristics, which make them different in some aspects, the technology-rich environments made young people approach and use information in a completely different way of processing it very fast by causing a change in their b...

Sharing my experience in learning English.

  Sharing my experience in learning English. For me, learning a language is a complicated process. It is different from learning other subjects, learning a language involves a lot of practice, follow-up, and grammar rules. I started learning English when I was just 6 years old and completed my schooling in English medium. Even though I studied in English medium my English is poor because I studied English only to score marks [memorization] to pass- out, I started to study English as a language at BPU [Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka]. when I study English for the very first time, English become one of my favorite subjects. The syllabus included Grammar, rhymes, poems, and short stories. It became boring to me when a teacher introduced grammar because learning grammar many practices and memorizing words is quite boring for me. when I reached Sri Lanka, I faced lots of troubles because of language. Here I cannot speak English as well as the Singhalese language which i...

Introduction to L2 Learning and Teaching in the 21st Century

  Introduction to L2 Learning and Teaching in the 21st Century. In today’s interconnected world, higher education institutions are challenged with new realities, how to effectively assist students in advancing their professional development, gaining skills for successful 21st-century interactions, and starting new careers. In 21 st -century learning, l2 touches new pitches and the learner is facilitated and equipped with digital, new skills and impactful skills. second or foreign language learning was predominantly “mind/brain” focused until the mid-1980s, when the “social” part of language learning began to gain greater attention, and “sociocultural theory” began to impact second language learning.   Learning l2 in the 21 st century. I n the 21st century, when information and communication technologies are of great importance, the  need for learning a foreign language has also increased, and learning one or more foreign languages  became one of the indispensable ne...

l2 Methods and reviews

  L2 learning methods along with the review of them - Credit- Study French Spanish There are many methods in learning and teaching a second language like GTM, Direct Method, Nature Approach, Audio- Lingual method, Communitive Language Teaching, and many more. but one of my favorite methods is GTM, let’s review three popular methods GTM, Direct methods, and Audio-lingual Methods. Credit- Grammar Translations Grammar Translation Method {GTM} The grammar translation method became very popular in the late 18 th century. The main focus of this method is teaching the target language through translations from the native language to the foreign language and vice Versa. Objectives – -           Language is viewed beyond mere memorizing of grammar rules because translation involves understanding grammar, its appropriate application, and the knowledge of syntax, morphology, and vocabulary. -         ...

L2 Learning Theories and Reviews.

  L2 learning theories along with your reviews of them. When we focus on the history of l2 learning, it’s not very old. It’s difficult to trace how long have been human is learning other human languages. But the foundation of systematic study of l2 was created in the early 20 th century, we can say that the earlier 20 th century was a golden century for L2 learning and teaching and l2 theories. The 20 th century saw continuous innovation and change in language, and instructions, as well as the emergence of occasionally conflicting philosophies. The three most popular l2 theories were Behaviorism, Nativism, and Krashen’s Monitor models. credit- Adobe Stock Behaviorism - in the 1950s, and 1960s Behaviorism was very popular in explaining l2 acquisition. The behaviorist theory views learning as a reaction to stimuli in the environment; it views a learner as a “creature of habit” that can learn to target language through drill and chorus. Thus the success of language learning dep...